Sunday, January 25, 2009

I had a shoot on Friday with a really nice couple and their daughter who was 14 days old. She was a big newborn, but so sweet and she barely made a peep! Unfortunately she didn't sleep either so after 2 hours I had to go - we still got some great shots and I finally got to use this basket I've become obsessed with. I have another newborn shoot next week - I will get my sleeping basket shot, I swear!

I should add, this was my first 'stranger' shoot - I didn't know them! It was still a PB session, but gave me a lot more confidence that I can do this with people besides friends and family! It was really nice to get a newborn for my portfolio too!


shari said...

your black and white totally rocks!

and i love that basket!

Haley said...

this is adorable. great great great picture!